Keeping the Bigger Picture In Mind

It’s easy to get caught up in the details…

Doing laundry.  Paying bills.  Catching up on e-mails.  Keeping the kids fed.  Remembering your dentist appointment.  Making the deadline for your project at work.  Doesn’t it sometimes feel like your life is one big To-Do List?

Amidst being immersed in the minutiae of life, how often do you revisit your soul purpose?  If you aren’t very clear about your soul purpose (Do we ever really have COMPLETE clarity?), at least begin to ask yourself more meaningful questions than, “Hmmmm….Do I want fries with that?”

In Duncan’s blog this week, he mentioned realigning himself with his own soul purpose by being able to serve underprivileged people and provide them much needed guidance.   Kris talked about having the ability to find the answers within yourself during times of confusion and reaching clarity.  I talked about Stage 9, the bodymind rhythm in which you feel love, light, and connection to yourself, others, and The Universe.

By staying connected to the heart and truth of the matter, you are guaranteed to find clarity.  This is often enough to realign yourself with your Divine Purpose.  You very clearly see WHO YOU WANT TO BE rather than WHAT YOU MUST DO.

Right now, two weeks before our opening, it seems we have never-ending “tasks” and “to-do’s,” but the fire that keeps us going is our vision and our purpose.  If we lose sight of that, our direction will be completely off-course Where would our path lead if we were to continually base it on every task at hand?

This might seem cliche to “keep the bigger picture in mind,” but for me it helps to have reminders.  I invite you to begin every day with asking yourself these questions–present company included:

Why am I here?  What do I truly believe in and value?  Who do I want to be?  How can my life align with that today?

This won’t be a giant cross-off on your task list, but will often provide a different focus for your day and give you momentum to complete the tasks without becoming caught up in them.  The tasks very simply become a means to your beautiful, magnificent vision!

Keep that vision in sight!

–Written by Dr. Katie Fahnel, D.C. owner of Body Harmony Chiropractic, a partner of The Healing Loft.  Comments to this blog can be posted below.  Dr. Katie also has her own blog for Body Harmony Chiropractic.

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.
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